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 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Jetoj ne London qysh prej 12 vjetesh.
Atje nuk po heqi keq per femra,por mbrese me ka lene nje turke me te cilen pata nje lidhje para 2 vjetesh!
Pata shkuar ta vizitoj vellaun qe jeton me familje ne zvicerr.
ne Luzern te Zvicerres patem dale neper lokale e Disco te Luzernit.
Ishte nje club mjaft i bukur qe quhej PENTHAUS ne katin e shtate te nje Hoteli qe quhej ASTORIA.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Pamje nga Luzerni

Balkoni I PENThAHUSE prej nga shihet qyteti i Luzernit ku kemi qendruar me turken

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...We offer the following:- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,00- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch

Hyrja ishte pa pagese qe ne krahasim me clubet e tjera ishte nje gje positive sepse ne Clubet tjera duhej te prisnim varg plus te paguanim hyrjen prej 30 frankash zvicerrane!
Nejse, patem hyre ishte club mjaft i bukur ku njeriu quditej se pse ishte falas hyrja.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Pasi isha 28 vjeq me pelqeu mosha e vizitoreve qe ishte prej 18 -me shume  per krahasim ne clubet tjera kishte vetem 18-20 vjeqe ku femrat  dukeshin  ende jo aq te pjekura me fytyre ende si femije e te bente te pyeste veten a eshte ky club apo qerdhe femijesh.


Sidoqofte te kethehemi ne kete penthaus club ku ishte nje atmosfere e bukur .
u patem ule ne Bar ku pasi porositem Vodka Redbull e hulumtova Clubin rreth e qark mos ta gjej ndonje viktime diku sipas shijes sime!
natyrisht e kam shijen e mire si gjithnje dhe ja aty afer po kercente nje bukuroshe zeshkane me nje t-shirt me jelek te kuq qe i jepte nje pamje tejet seksi.
e veshtroja parresht deri sa ta fitoja shikimin esaj!
Ajo me verejti dhe si zakonisht si playboy qe jam me pervoje ja dhash nje shikim te nxhete.
Ajo ma kthei gjithashtu me nje shikim tejet te nxehte qe me dogji fare!
Ia qova goten si dolli qe ta pershendes e njekohesisht ta ftoj ne Bar aty ku ishim ulur ne karrige.
Ajo pranoi dhe u njoftuam..biseduam anglisht se gjermanisht nuk dija ..dolem pastaj ne ballkonin e clubit ku nga shihej gati gjithe qyteti i Luzernit me ne liqen fantastik.
Natyrisht prania e nje femre te nexehte ta ben pamjen edhe me fantsatike.
Vellau kishte mbetur i zgurdulluar e u quditke e thojke nuk e di ketu jane femrat tejet skeptike nuk vijne aq kollaj te njohftohen por se di ty si po te shkon puna aq mire.
I thashe kam magnet une vellaqko..kam magnet!
Pastaj ne balkon aty ishte nje pamje mjaft romantike ku muzika e mire me hitet me te reja te asaj vere plus kjo bukuroshe zeshkane tip JENNIFER LOPEZI te bente te fluturosh nga kenaqesia!
kaluam deri ne 2 ora duke bideuar me te ..me pate thene se ishte turke e lindur ne Zvicerr 22vjeqe.
per 1 night stand muk kishte shance ne luzern se femrat si me tha vellau ishin shume skeptike ne zvicerr por numrin e telefonit tia merrshe dikuj ishte trofe i vertet !.Ne Angli nuk hupet ,kohe direkt pas clubi mund ta marresh diken ne shtepi e ta pomposh pa meshire por ketu ishin si ne katund!
dmth ngjarja zhvillohej pas clubit dalengadale!
Une si plaboy nuk kam kohe shum.por kjo ishte femer me  klase.punonte ne banke..vozitke audi quatro !
Keshtu e patem lene te henen te takohemi se ajo e kishte te lire ate dite!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Me mori nga shtepia e vellaut e dolem gjtkah ate dite nga ora 15 deri naten vone.Me qoi ne  bjeshken e  Pilatus ku ishte nje vend fantastik me plot tourist me skilift duhej te shkonim atje ne maje ku ishte nje Restaurant  nga verehet i gjith qyteti i bukur I Luzernit!
ajo dukej shume dashuruar ne mua per nje dite sa me quditke edhe mua se pse kaq respekt per mua.ne angli isha mesuar one night stand dhe te nesermen nuk e dija se si quhej kush ishte e ketu ngjarja zhvillohej plot romantike qkame bente ta pyes veten si dhe qka tutje?
kah ora 20 patem ngrene dark ku  pagova natyrisht me credit card american express dhe pasi qe ajo nuk pinte se ishte me auto piva vetem nje gote viski dhe disi e kapa nga beli dhe i thashe se me ke kalle ..dhe nuk mund te duroj me.
ajo me tha se don te me njoh me shume..nuk kam kohe i thashe jam per rruge ne javen tjeter..
jo jo nuk pranonte te shkonim diku te benim seks.
me tha takohemi prape ne vikend e te shohim!
me beri ta shtyj fluturimin me easy jet nga Zürichu per London edhe per nje jave!
te shtunen qe erdhi erdhi perseri ne Penthaus Club ku e patem lene takimin.Ajo u shfaq ..ishte tejet tejet seksi me xhinse te bardha te ngushta me t xhirt te ngussht qe i theksonte cicat e saja aq shume qe te ngritej kari direkt.
oh you make me crasy i thashe ..oh really me tha!
Nejse kaluam shume bukur kercyem dolem edhe ne clube tjera te luzernit si Pravda pastaj THe Loft etj me ne fund me propozoi te shkonim ne banese te saj.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

EUUU it thashe ne fund egjete ...dhe ja prinderit i kam ne Stamboll per vizite kane shkuar dhe jam vetem kete nate.
Posi posi i thashe moj xhan   cok güzel..dhe shkuam me taxi deri ne emmenbrücke ku ajo banonte.
e kapa e puthsha gjithkah ..ishte enxehte ..edhe ajo ja ndieva eren e pidhit qe donte kar.
e patem hyre ne banese ku pasi me ofroi pije u ulem ne sallon apo dhome e dites para nje TV gjigante ku ishte nje film seksi ne aksion.. me buzeqeshi e ta kapa nag bytha e ta zdesha ..kishte nje bythe ala jeniffer lopez 100 % ta kapa ta puthsha ..ta kafshoja ..tja puthja cicat ta kapsha me dhembe gjithkah..e ajo vetem gjemojke...
ma kapi karin e ta lepijke aq mire ..e futke derin fyt thelle e me veshtronte me syte medhenj te shminkosur aq shume seksi sa desha tiu derdhem ne fytyre..por nuk me lejoji..se pari me qi tha..e ta kapa tia lepiva pidhin thelle aq te bukur e kishte rruar..e te ngushte qa u qudita..nuk kishte pase shume qirje!
e ia rrasa ngadale karin qe e kam  te madh se e kam ushtruar me vite me pompe..e ta qiva ngadale e pastaj si rakete e ajo vetem sa nuk vdiske nga lezeti i madh..aq e nxehte ishte  nag qirrjet. e qiva nga te gjitha pozicionet e mundshme ..e mora ne mur e qisha ne kembe ne mur ajo i shterngonte kembet rreth meje ..uh qfare lezeti. aq e nxehte ishte kjo turke!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Qfare pidhi te nxehte qe gati mezi u ndaloja te mos u derdhesha
ne nje moment me shpertheu kondomi apo perzervativi..ajo u panikos  dhe me ofroi te benim pak pauze.
pasi pushuam pak e porositem nje pice me telefon..mblodhem pak energji..ajo
ishte tejet ekzotike dhe filloi te vallzonte belly dance per mua..e tma ngiti karin aq forte sa iu hodha perseri e ta qiva mizorisht gjithkah e ne fund sju durova e iu derdha ne fytyren tejet seksi me syte e shmiknuar aq forte sa me qmednke..iu derdha ne fytyre sa iu mbulua krejt fytyra me sperm sa nuk munke ti hapte syte ..dhe qeshte nga lezeti.
pasi lau fytyren rame te dermuar ne tepih te salonit para tv gjigande te flenim ku pasi u ngritem diten vone u qime edhe nja 3-4 here sa sme mbeti aspak fuqi me.
u patem takua dhe qire gjate gjithe asaj jave dhe patem mbete ne lidhje per nja 1 vjet deri sa familja e saj e paten detyruar te martohej me nje kusheri te saj nga Stambolli sipas traditave te tyre!.
edhe sot kontaktojme me facebook por te takohemi perseri eshte  e veshtire.... por pres ende..deri sa te shafeqet mundesia......se ajo po premton se nuk e don aspak burrin e saj kusheri dhe don te vije te une ne Londer!Do te shofim!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.


 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.