Flet Flori Mumajesi:Si e qiva Bullgaren! Alba date / easy credit

                  Ja qfare pidhi eshte bullgarja ...kuku  ta then karin...edhe nese je gay``!!!

sponsor easy credit: Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ... We offer the following: - Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000 - Unemployment insurance rates choice - Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates - Free editing and repayment at any time The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch

Po jam Flori Mumajesi..the best kompozitor,kantautor,  qka do qe te duash me thoni ne vend..dhe pike.
Po kam celulit  so what? po nuk jam aq edhe bukurosh? so what ?
Kenget e mija dikush mi shkruan jo une ? so what? une e bej hit qkado qe bej!Po tingelloj tani si tingulli 3 ? so what?
Po nejse ti lejme lavderimet por me te vertete kam be nje emer ne Shqiperi sa edhe Bullgaret me therasen per nje bashkepunim ose te themi troq ta vjedhi kengen time edhe ashtu te vjedhur nga ..kam harru ku,,nga magjupet  diku  lej lej  etj  dhe tash tja bej dikujt..tjeter--merre e me mend ..kengen time ta vjedhi  dhe tja dhe dikujt tjeter..po kjo me ndodhi mua--

 foto :stefani

 sponsor easy credit: Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ... We offer the following: - Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000 - Unemployment insurance rates choice - Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates - Free editing and repayment at any time The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch
 Po nejse me theriten bullgaret  dhe te bej nje bashkepunim me ta.
po ja nje bullgar me tha bema kete kenge ma qo demo tape dhe ja eja ne Sofia ne aeroport dhe ja kenga u be.pas nje dite xhirimi..keshtu me thane..dhe keshtu u be..por ao qka me la te shtangur ishte se me ke e kendoja kete kenege...ohhh oh lalala edhe pse jam gey ...(mire epat Adrian Gaxha ) oh qma kalli karin kur u shfaq kjo bullgarja----oh nje mix i adelina ismajlit  e elvana gjates..po kinse ex e imja  se une jam gey..por me duhet kinse te kem exa..po sidoqofte  ..te kthehem te bullgarja  dhe ja  u shfaq ne prova te xhirimit te videos..kjo...oh  qfare  pidhi  fantastik...``ne si prosti``..  kendonte  xhironim  une vetem i mbaja pantollonat  duke e mbuluar karin tim tani te ngritur....dhe ja i kryem menzi  xhirimet  dhe u ulem te bisedonim tani me .
Me dha kopliment kjo bullgarj kur me tha se isha simpatik  qfare me quditi edhe mua  se perveq meshkujve mua kush sma rras aq fort  po nesje..rashe ne dashuri  me kete bullgarn..dhe ja i propozova te nesermen te takohemi dikun pas provave qe do vazdonin edhe neser per shka se regjisori kishte mbeshtjell filmin diku dhe duhej ti perseritmin provat.

sponsor easy credit: Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ... We offer the following: - Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000 - Unemployment insurance rates choice - Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates - Free editing and repayment at any time The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch

te nesermen pasi e kryem xhirimin me mori ne auton esaj ne nje Bmw kabrio te vogel dhe me shetiti neper Sofie..ama nuk la vend pa me quar.
ne fund me qoi ne nje restaurant ku me qerasi mire dhe pasi ngitem dolli me qoi ne nje vend nga dukej i gjithe qyteti..aty pasi nuk kishte njeri e kapa ngadale (edhe pse jam gay)  e kapa  e putha  edhe ja hengra gojen krejt  asaj  dhe ajo me kapi per jinsave dhe ma nxori bilbilin dhe ethithke aq bukur  sa  me erdhi tja derdhi ne goje ..por nuk me la..ma mbush pidhin nje here me tha..dhe te kapa atje lart  dhe ta qi aq fort sa ajo klithke oh  pe shoh gjithe qytetin nga kenaqesia--nejse  te qi  alla toskjanqe  nga  tgjitha pozicionet  e mudshme dhe pasi e dermova ate bukuroshe  ja dedha ne goje spermen time shqipetare  asaj bullgares dhe keshtu mabroi ate dite..
me qoi ne hotel  ku e qiva edhe nje here ne te gjitha pozicionet dhe u ndame ate dite te mrekullueshme.
te nesermen me percollin ne aeroport ku me deshiroi sukses per kengen tone dhe ja ..ende takohem aty ketu kur kena kohe..por  distanca po eben te  veten  dhe ja spo kam kohe me ..edhe keshtu mbaroi edhe kjo lidhje e imja me bulgaren tejet fantastike e seksi..me vjen keq per meshkujt..por ja qe nganjeher edhe un ei ngatrroj gjinit..he jam gjeni  un ete me falni...

Ju pershendes

Nr 1 in In Ballkan   ( dream ..sweat dream)

Flori Mumajesi Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ... We offer the following: - Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000 - Unemployment insurance rates choice - Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates - Free editing and repayment at any time The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch