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> sponsor:easy credit /easy credit:Insurance for carsassistantPersonal and home damage or flatHealth tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protection health insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms Favorable credit....easycredit.cheasy credit:Insurance for carsassistantPersonal and home damage or flatHealth tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protection health insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms Favorable credit....easycredit.cheasy credit:nsurance for carsassistantPersonal and home damage or flatHealth tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protection health insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms Favorable

Our sponsor Easy Credit has mad possible this website.

 Our sponsor:easy credit Announcement conditions:

 Insurance for cars
Personal and home damage or flat
Health tourists coming to Switzerland
legal protection
health insurance
Life insurance and pension cash for firms
Favorable credit

You get a quality service and professional advice in different languages​​. We will be with you throughout the procedure and will facilitate your obtaining credit

Credit will adapt to your personal situation and to guarantee full discretion. For you will find the appropriate offer. Your request will trajohet immediately and will respond to you within a day. You propose interest rate of 9:50%. Will have an advantage, loan interest will be deducted in the tax year.

Conditions for granting the loan

     Age 18-65 years

     Regular work contract or rent the AVS-AI and Pension Cash

     Regular income evidenced by three letters of the last salary (min. 2700. - Net)

     A valid identification document (passport or driving Swiss

     Residence B, C, L)

     The loan amount at least 5000. -

     Fixed monthly installments over the life of the loan 

The duration of 6 to 60 months 

Easy credit is sonsoring us to find the most true stories on albnian langueges

In this website you can chat ,date and read intersting the most true stories .

We hope thatyou will find something intersting in this website.

We reward you 20 $ if you tell your storie.

please contact: for more details!


 Une jam  Ragipi .Jetoj ne fshatin  Muqibab ku kam fermen me lope.

Kam te gjitha por deshiroj edhe une te kem femer e te provoj pak se qka eshte te besh dashuri me to.
ne fshat ku jetoj ska femra te bukura ..edhe ato qe jane dalin e fshihen sapo kalon ndonje mashkull
epo koha po kalon jam irituar qka te bej..vendosa te shkoj nja 1 muaj te xhaxhai ne qytet te shetis e te mundohna te nxe diqka . me eshte ber jeta monoton ne fshat.
Dola ne qytet ne Prishtine olala..  qfare femrash te bukura  me mini fustana...bythe te te bukura ..kembe te lakuriqueme..keto si kena ne fshat..atje kena vetem trashalluqe  qe po ti godasesh ne mengjes iu dridhen bythet deri ne mbremje nga  trashesia..hahhaa apo jo?

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.



Jam i irituar se spo mund te nxe ndonje femer dikun te provoj edhe une pervojne seksuale diku..a te pres  deri te  me martoj babi me msite..
 Nejse  dilnim per qdo dite ne mbremje tani vere me ..plot disco muzike edin tash mbas pamavaresise jena ne gjendje transi ne ne Kosove.!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Nje nate dolem ne nje Club ap Disco..per mua jane te njejta..jam nga fshati..kryesore muzika qe te ben ne vesh..diftifteeee  diftifteeee..diftiftee  e u knaqsha .
arrita ti njoh te gjitha femrat me te bukura te Prishtines..ti njoh me sy e jo tjeter..
e u iritova shume qe me injoronin.  se di ndoshat se jam katunar.
Nje femer qe te kallte trupin me kembet e gjata e bythet e gjinjet e medha  me eemrin Ardita me beri te mendoje dite e nate per te..qka te bej..djali i xhaxhit me thoshte hej harrohe ajo qihet vetem me frajera me bmw etj e me njerez me prestigj  me Geta te tingullit 3 etj..ti ske shance!.
hej ja bajsha e kam karin gati gjysem metre . keta GETAt jane krejt pedera keta sun qine veq flasin ne kenge bla bla bla  .ende se ka pa ajo se pa do ta shohesh ti. po te ma shoh ajo mu k.... tem gjigand!.ata shoket u gajsnin duke qeshur.
mirepo une kisha nje plan!Plan meastral..jam nga fshati por menquri kam..jam si nje james bond nje agjent 007..po po.
Nje nate dualem ne disco ku Ardita vinte rregullisht..mezi na lane te hyjm mbrenda :vetem VIP njerezit i lenin mbrenda. kinse VIP po qfare Vip ka ne Kosove po nejse..pedera jane keta kinse bodygarta te clubave..oh qa shtiren keta kinse jane diqka ti korsha  kallash ne se do mundja por po duhet me duru kapak heu nanen jau q....
sidoqofte mesi hynem pasi iu dhame 50 euro ryshfet ne dere...e tani ne kete krize ..paramendo!
Ja e gjeta Arditen kishte ulur ne Bar me dy shoqe e po bisedonte me dy shoqe..qfare mendjemadhe..e jep zogun  si ndihme humanitare por shtiret si kinse jam serioze..


 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

 Pasi jetoj me lope ne fshat e i njoh mire rrethahat se kur lopet nuk jane hot me per demat  dmth nuk kane me deshire e epsh per shkak te moshes  ne ju japim do hapa ose pilula qe na i blejm te vetrinari dhe kur lopet i marrin ato hej sakatohen duke u q... e pastaj na keshtu perfitojme viqa te ri edhe prej lopeve ne moshe!

nje kesi hapash me kishte mbetur ne kulete ..kalova nga Ardita e pershendeta..Arditen a ben te ulem ketu .
jo me tha eshte e zene!
qka te bej fshurazi kur ajo po bisedonte me shoqet e saj  ja hodha ne pije nje hap ose pilulle te lopes..po aso te pije..e di seshte mire por me iritoi pa mendjemadhesin esaj .

eu qfare ndodhi mas nje gjysem ore ..ja filloi Ardita te qefohej te me shiqoj mu qe isha me se afermi te buzeqesh pa lidhje ..e ferkonte zogun nga pak fshehurazi ..po une edija pse..he jam James Bond une.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

ohho ishte djersitur ..oh  e ferkonte zogun si Tuna  midis diskoteke....e pastaj iu tha shoqeve diqka ne vesh   e iku.... e peercolla ja ajo kishte dale jashte diskoteke...e ecte quditshem..hej e percolla ajo eci nja 15 minuta e percolla ..ishte ora 2 enates..ajo ecte deri ne Breg te Diellit ku banonte..deri sa u ndal para banesese ku banonte dhe ne nje si gur ishte ulur dhe e kishte futur doren ne zogun e saj ...e renkonte  ohhhh..uhhhh thelle.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Iu afrova se e dija se tash ishte shanci im..e i thashe ..Ardita  apo don ndihme...ajo u frikesua  se nga sikleti se kish verejtur se ekisha percjell ate nate,,
ik mangup... ik   katunar do theras policine..epo i tashshe un ejam paqesor,,adon ndihme se nuk ka nevoje ta fusesh doren..ik shporru me tha me ze genjeshter e ketu ishte kalle krejt flake..epo nuk do marr vesh njeri une jetoj larg i thashe  nese don ndihme... e ja shfaq k.... tim gjigand  para syve ....ajo edhe ashtu ishte kalle .....ju duk si nje embelsire   e tma kapi menjehere ete lepijke  ..oh qfare lezeti...oh ti  qenke fenomen nanatyror     ....oh   te lepijke mudke......e poshte ferkonte   zogun me dore   ..ajo ishte ne siklet pillulat  e lopeve e kishin ba te veten...po eja pak afer me tha...e tma kapi doren teme e te futi ne p... e saj te bere qulllle flake  e te fryre si top....e ta kapa ta lepiva.aty mbas banese te nje gur ku ishte pak e ndriquar... e ajo su durojke,,, ma rras karin ..  ma bejke...po moj qysh jo ..edhe lopeve kur jau futsha vetem pallonin  ja sot nje femer njeriu  oh  prit i thashe..e tja futa ajo sa qe u shtangu nje here e hop..klithi aq fort....oh  sa tema dh e paske fute..thell..te terin...fute ..hop fute deri ne koqe..oh ..nukke  vend i thashe e kam gjigand..oh fute ....o fute sa ma thell oh jam kalle..sot..oh fute...e te qiva aq shume ishte kalle ajo sa su ngike k... deri ne 4 ku kishte dale zbardhur drita ..eprape nuk u ngike tha eja lart ne banese ..babi flen ..e eja se sjam ngi ende
e shkuma ngadlae mbrena ne dhomen esaj e tma hante karin qa fort et hojke oh qfare k.. ..oh por ma shume elypke ne zogun e saj e ta bombardoja deri kah ora 7 aty u derdh aq fort e klithi aq fort sa u zgjua babai i saj e me sy te zgurdulluar  ishte zgjuar babi i saj e ishte shtangur nga pamja se si ajo me kambe te haapura rreth meje klithke ne orgazem te njepasnjshme.
qpo ndodh ketu bertiti babai i saj..budallice ekeqe....e ti kapi per floke e me hodhi jashte une veq sa isha derdhe ne ..zogun e saj     e  kisha  bere qull shtratin e saj e isha si ne trans. vetem kur e pashe veten jashte banese poshte e kuptova se qfare kishte ndodhur..

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

javen tjeter shkova perseri me kusherinin te cilet nuk besonin se e kisha q.. ate arditen..dhe shkuma ne discon ku ajo gjendj rregullisht dhe qafre ndodhi..ajo me pa dhe direkt erdhi te une eme buzeqeshi..hej ku je more..qe i tashe ti ku fal per bain tim me tha..hej ska gja i te pijme diqk se bashku me tha..po si une isha mbetur i shtnagur..e te dy kusherinte emi gjithashtu..por emblodha veten dhe jau shkela syrin e shkova me arditen..ku biseduam enjoftuam e jemi bashke ende ..e sekretin e dini vetem ju..mos kallzoni..e ju lus mos ta peseritni..ndoshta nuk eshte fer...por sioqofte une ja pashe hajrin.....

Ju pershenes Gipa nga Muqibaba

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.
