ME SEKRETARESHEN / ALBA CHAT / ALB TV / sponsor: esade- university/ easy credit

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

 about ESADE University Business & Law Schools

ESADE is an international academic institution with over fifty years of history. The main asset of this business school are people: faculty members and professionals who nurture reflection, dialogue, projects and initiatives to ensure excellent education, pioneering research and a valuable contribution to social debate and transformation. ESADE’s key mission is to train individuals to become highly-competent professionals fully aware of their social responsibility. We promote education and research through our Law School and Business School with a firm commitment to intellectual rigour, critical analysis and academic excellence. The vast majority of ESADE’s almost 40,000 alumni are ambassadors of these values in over one hundred countries and hold top-level posts in companies, public administration and the non-profit sector. ESADE’s global prestige stems from its quality education, its international focus and its holistic approach towards professional and personal skills development. Throughout the years, ESADE has forged deep-rooted ties with the business, economic and social sectors as a platform for education and innovation, as a benchmark research centre and as a stage for reflection and dialogue. What’s more, ESADE actively seeks out innovative solutions to the challenges of human resource and knowledge management, corporate innovation and globalisation, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility, as well as the solution of legal problems related to new business challenges. I’d like to welcome you to our website, where you can discover details of our programmes, faculty and campus life. And should you decide, it would be our pleasure to work with you personally in the pursuit of your personal and professional goals. ESADE, a global inspiring community with 40 people, 17 countries, 6 languages The diversity of the ESADE community is captured in the corporate video, which seeks to sum up the reality of ESADE by presenting different views from members of its community. Students from different programmes, Professors, Administrative and Services staff, Alumni, members of the management team and others linked to the institution all create a shared discourse that presents ESADE’s values, and in short provides a focus on the ESADE community, a diverse and optimistic community that wants to inspire people’s futures so all of us together can build a better world.


 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Posedoj nje firme me 4 punetor...bej shitje blerje te ndryshme..
Pasi ja mbusha mendjen gruas se na duhet nje sekretareshe.per arsye imazhi te firmes,,e pranova nje bukuroshe bjonde qe ishte shum shume e bukur..pervoje nuk kishte shum..por kujt i plaste.
gruaj do qmendet..por  do perpiqna me ndonje dhurate ta mashtroj disi kjo eshte per arsye imazhi..te firmes se te gjitha firmat e medha kane sekretaresha etj.
Sidoqofte ja dhashe kete pune asaj bjondes.
Per gjdo dite e veshtroja nga byroja ime se si shkruante letra se.. si si i pinte si vishej mjaft seksi qe ta qonte k...
Ja rashe ne dashuri..edhe pse kam grua..qke ti bejsh zemra nuk po plakej!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Ajo vinte me gjithnje me garderobe te re,me mini fustana qe i theksonte kembet e saja te gjata dhe me pjesen e  eperme qe theksonte gjinjet e saj gjigand!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

oh qfare p... i mire..thosha me vete!
Pa nevoje e therrasja ne byron time kinse qe tja jepja ndonje detyre ..ta merrte kete filanin ne telefon apo te shkruante diqka por une isha thjesht i dashuruar.
Gruaj me pyeste se kend e kena marr ne pune ..i thosha se di  e kena ne test nje budallaqe..muk ke nevoje te behesh xheloze!
por une dite e nate mendoja per te.
Se di edhe ajo dredhej e perdredhej  kur me shihte ne mengjes ne ora 9 kur arrija ne firmen time.
Pas dy jave anej e kendej ..i propozova te shkojme kinse ne udhetim zyrtar deri ne Shkup ,,kinse te me shkruante raportin mbi rjedhanat e gjerave  me partneret tane atje!.
Ajo erdhi me nje minifund qe theksonte kembet e saja,,bile mud tja shihja edhe breket kur i kryqezonte kembet ne karrigen e zyhres apo byros time.
U nisem me auton time dhe bisedonim qartas per gjera private..ajo ishte e ndare nga burri.
oh kjo tingelloi bukur ne veshin tim..ishte siguri ..e etur..per k...Ndaluam ne nje motel une kinse doja te beja pak pauze..dhe te per te ngrene diqka.
pasi drekuam .. preka ne dore dhe e veshtrova ne sy..i thashe..e di..kam deshire te te njoh pak me mire..
ajo buzeqeshi  dhe si duke i pelqente kjo bisede..pastas se di ..jam xhntellmen ..por i thashe  se di lart ka dhoma ne kete motel qe ishte pergjate rruges Prishtine- Shkup..dhe ndoshta mundemi te qlodhemi pak i thashe..sikur kjo rruge te ishte me dite te tera e jo vetem ca ore deri ne Shkup kishte!
Asaj i pelqeu..dhe si me turp pranoi ..dhe u ngjitum lart..kisha frige mos dikush i njohur po me shihte mua aty..
por isha kalle i teri nga pamja e saj dhe si i befasuar  !!
u ngjitum lart--qka te shihej plot qifte  duke pritur aty.secili me ndonje femer  duke pritur me radhe qe te hynte te qihej..oh plot burra te martuar femra te reja  ..!ky eshte realiteti kosovar!..

Hei... aty ishte me te vertete nje seks vend..ku te gjithe fshehurazi takoheshin larg nga parneri ,burri etj dhe fsheurazi benin seks!

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

Sidoqofte e mora nje dhome  per 2 ore rezervim dhe hyme brenda..i shkova ngadale dhe i thashe ,,se di a mos po gaboj..por ajo qeshte..e hante  shihej qarte...e kapa per dore ..ja putha..doren .pastaj ajo e puthi gjithashtu. doren time..e te kapa tja zdesha t.shirtin..oh qfare cicash kishte..gjigande ..ja kafshoja..her njeren her tjetren....e pastaj  e  puthsha ne qafe..e pastaj lozja me cicat e saja..oh sa te mira i kishte..ja kafshoja me afsh..ajo vetem ...klithke..oh ..shef...   mos....oh qfare lezeti ishte per mua ishte bere gruaja monoton...nuk shkonin gjerat ne krevat aq moment keshtu qe ky ishte nje rast i mire per mua ta shijoja rinin edhe une pak..e pastaj...e nxora k...tim dhe ja fusja mes cicava ..ajo klithke..i pelqente midis  cicave te saj..pastaj nuk duroi   e mori ne goje dhe e lepinte aq iu derdha ne cicat esaj..ajo klithi,,dhe e lepiu te teren ...dhe pasi me leter e patstroi..hoqi minifundin esaj  dhe  kapi kembet esaja..oh..ishte kall...te kapa tja lepiva p...e saj qe ekishte rruar  seksi  me nje vije ne mes..oohhh..qfare lezeti....oh tja lepiva deri sa e pashe qe tani ishte koha tja rrasi..k  dhe ja rras ngadale..ngadale  ja sillsha rrett p..te saj,,ajo klithke...futma me dogje......une ende ja sillsha perrth..derisa ajo e kapi mke duar te saj dhe e futi me force ne p..e saj  ..qij..oh me qij,,,,britke.. e fillova ta qij ngadale..ajo sillej eperdridhej  dhe me shtrengonte  me kembet e gjata qe ta qija fort..
ja futa thelle....thelle..thellle....e shpejt  te pompova shpejt...ajo klithke...oh  ..ohhhhhh...ahhhh..
ohhh ...rrasma....oh futm....oh qij...oh me qijj  ...oh lezet...oh qij..ob qfare lezeti.--ishte kall,,,,
 pastaj emora nga prapa..tja rrasa ngadale..e pastaj me force..e  te kapsha fort,,ne bythet e saja   ..te qija me force nga prapa..pastaj ja futa ne by... oh sa klithke...oh gati u qmendke......oh
qij...oh me qij...thojke...oh qij...
e keshtu  ne te gjitha poziconet e mundshme...deri sa u dershum se bashku..plotesisht te dermuar.

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.

oh qfare ke qi taman ashtu si dua une tha...e
u veshum dhe makinen time..dhe vazdhuam ne shkup..ku i bleva plot dhurat ne per dyqane te ndryshme ..dhe pasi e qiva edhe ni here ne makine u kthyem ne Prishtine.
Gruase si thash kurgje por..kushedi si do te ragoj kur nje dite te vije ne firme e te me kontrolloj ne pune!
sidoqoft me sekretareshen po ece puna super..gjithnje....!

Ju pershendes

 Express Credit - Apply for your loan to meet your goals ...

We offer the following:
- Cheap personal loans of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000
- Unemployment insurance rates choice
- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates
- Free editing and repayment at any time

The loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation.