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Po une Shkenda do flas dhe do flas pa te plasin te gjithe!

Prej krejt frajerave qe i kam pase..  me Adrian Gaxhan kemi kalu  shum mire..uhhhh  me laget pidhi  kur me kujtohet ai..eshte shum gjentil dhe e din qka  i duhet  nje femere .
Nejse do tregoj  si  nje here ne hotel patem kalu shum mire ..oh  qfare lezeti:
Pasi patem nje koncert ne zürich  ne Rinora 4..u kthyem ne Hotelin Monopol   dhe aty  ja qka ndodhi:

 mbyllim dhomen,hyrem te dy ne dush direkte,ai me puthi ferkonte trupin me xhveshi ngadale.kur afrohet te heq tangat une rrencethem ne futi gishtat ne pidhin e ndezur flake.ashtu u ul poshte me puthi aty filloj me gjuhe lepinte une u kallaa krejte,bertisja me te madheee,ahhhh offff.po vdes shpirt mos me .ai edhe me shume prekte ne klitor,  u derdha arrij orgazem mbi fytyren e tij  duke leshuar  lengje nga pidhi im,si me lepin aty me tjetren dore prekte gjokset e bera forte gur,,une filloj ta  puth ate ne qafe gjokse me tjetern dore e prekja ne karrin e forte,ku tani ishte bere ne kulem gur fare,,
marr ne doren pelqeja  tja lepija aty .. perpiqesha,me pelqeu shija e tij i madh i forte,e fujas ngadale ne gojen time ne maje edhe eci me poshte,por s munda ta marr te  terin ish shume i madh per gojen tjetren  dore prekja pidhin i bere qull..ashtu ia lepijw aty dhe ne nje moment ai derdhet mbi mua, pastaj u lam ne dush,dhe pastaj pasi bem pak pauze me mer ne krahe ai poshte jam une ai siper,fillon ta  lepin pidhin e bere zjarr tani une bertitja me forteeeee kur fuste gjuhen en thellesite,afron lehte karri ne tij te fryre ne maximum,fut pak koken e ti jaty si fillim,me tjetren dore prekte ne klitorin tim qe nga casti ne cast shperthen,,fut edhe pak me thelle une po vdisja nga dhembjet bertisha fortee,mos me te lutem kam dhembje etj,
ai thonte je e imja sote vete e imja  do ti ha bythet emdha qe i ke shum seksi  dhe mi  kafshonte mi lepinte ..mi hante me dhembe...e pastja  mi rrahke me karin etij..une gati  sa nuk vdisaj duke piskatur..,edhe pse e doja brenda ate karr te madh te bukur,me shtyn edhe me forte e me forte e futke krejte brenda,tani e ndjeja  pidhi im u mbush aty me karrin e tij ekstrem,,bertiturat e mia s kishin te sosur,ashtu pomponte shum me shpejtesi derisa sa nuk  mundemi me ne  te dy,une behem uje nga poshte ai derdhet ne pidhin tim,,del pak sperma jashte ....une  prek me gishat e mi e lepijaa i thot se po vdes nga kenaqesia,me kthen nga tetra  ane,une rrij ne bark ai mbi mua....oh  tme qinte me shpejtesi.......e kendonte  ngjyra  ekuqe  ..oh  oh  ..pasi tabgat  emija ishin te kuqe...ohhh  
pastaj  hap kembet,,me thot se do akoma seks  por kete radhe ne anus,nuk po mundjae ta besoja,  ai kishte  ende energji..edhe pse me qiu sote do edhe ne byth,ashtu me hap kembet forte,fillon te lepin ne anus,me tjetren dore deperton aty karrin e tij te  bukur,, une fillova te  bertas aq shume  sa ndiem te rokitura ne dere  nga personali  i  hotelit...bitte   sei  leise..........po  kush ja varte  atyre     une  po  perjetoje orgazma te shumte.....,pastaj ,, ,kur e rraske karin  koqet  perplasesshin  ne bythet e mia te forta,ai me tjetren  dore rrahke bythet e mia, pidhi im u kallte fare,,i them tani te fusi gishat ne pidhin tim, dua ta  ndjeja  sikur po qihem me 2 kara,ai ben kete duke futur e thelle gishat,une arrija ne orgazem.por  njekohesisht doja edhe me shueme  seks deri  sa mos te mar me fryme, ai derdhet ne bythen time dridhet ne trup me shtrengon forte ne vithet,,une bertas qij akoma e dua ne byth thelle me qij me ore zemer edhe me shume,ai qesh pake si bertas une si e cmednur,rrijem pak ashtu te dy .....marr karin tani me dore lepij forte fus ne gojen time tete bukur prek me gjuhekoqet e rruara bukur te medhenje,ndjej aromen e tyre,,mbas disa min ai ndizet prape,,fillon te beje seks ne byth me forte me eger deri sa une ndihem e shkaterruar komplet,se ndjem se trupi im  humbi shume energji per sote  e i them atiji fut here ne byth here ne pidh deri sa te derdhet....e  ai  filon te  therret ohhhhh...... po vjen,me kthen karrin ne goje time une lepij edhe me forte gjith speremen  e futi ne goje time ku  e lepijta te teren,,,,keshtu vazhdojme me ore deri en mngjesin tjeter ,,gjith naten seks ne byth pidh me oreee,ky ishte seksi shum i bukur ne jeten time,,flm  Ardi!!!

  NESE doni ta dini se si me ka qi VALI   atehere  lexo:


The unspoken wordsMove at the wrong time ,silent and plaintive are ,concern with history in mindcompassionately this perverse world ,witnesses remained blind .Lot of waiting everlasting,at the wrong timengjoken words , melted pakuptimësia ,but scattered relicswith serpentine brilliance ,I have no value on the ruins .In Esperanto silent erudite ,stalled words ,as before Cicero enguwhen shpërprish nightmare dreams ,nor unwelcome mposhtëm murderous nightmares ,MADRIGALI took the veil of compassion .

trailWhite bread and red wine ,had long since laid in mahoganyeven when laws were thoroughly wooThe warriors raise flags of freedom ,at weddings and in weeping ,Welcome to crack the birthThe heir to the tower ,when leaking blood in the word Love Arethen and now , even today ,gods have blessed blood .

lightIn the spiritual universe ,Plotting life imagethe future ,three hundred wedding party .In his great-grandfathermortgage wash traces of goods ,seasons of lifeabandoned by time.Depleted joys ,frenzied voices shpërprishje centuries ,November bleedingas the pace of fate ,for light beings .

Tower arbëroreIn the tower you cradle of infancy ,hope for hope in bird love you !Kindly sing ,Grow up , grow up image of happiness !Break the viewing of wild goodssupplication erase tracks ,stop pain pathways .The world is yours kid !A torrential river to be filled in ,The star appeared as light deity images .With love and hope possess the world !Do not let bitterness instead of weaponsKnow that tower cradle cradles them .

crate memoriesThe life kërrusi killed more goods ,motesh reflection on them ,in the farthest childhoodwhen love had spoken ,the white towerwhere hospitality and generosity weighed ,guest house deal for friendship ,çerep bread in brewing ...VOTRA distribute warmth ,mahogany admitted neatlyThe gilded hands grandmother ,love carrying bread flavorshijohej to the delight of the guests,grandchildren full ...Well , how strong was the tower !

In honor of LockeVardar edge used to see myself ,I say this part of nënqielli !River , eh river ,to be turbulent flows ,curly ...The furrowed brow as Locketired expectationsthe son , grandson ,recalls sharing ...How sad ,invitations to the tomb of unknownCorners of Europewhere love digestthe earth , language ,Locke honor .We took the riverwith turbulent waves as life !

seductionOn attract waves of life ,Where I first oil ,in Southeast Europeardent longing and love .Without inviting friends over our landswill never want ,or knitted mesh with weeping ,landscape as sad dreamer !

Fran Ukcama : Lyrics of ManushaqeTHAT violets spring forgive me
Amble mouth ,Sykthjellur the sky greenReflection njomëzor ,Buzagazin forgive me ,Spring forgive me ...Under the hardened stone ,April sun ,Bornajes the denjur ,Breasts listed is outside the beam radius ,A kiss shtalbe ,Spring forgive me !

Roe MODERRNITETIT crazyTo the modern ,The next time on,Lulore feeling like plum ,Plum intact ,Roe shathedhun pavement .Tranden sidewalks ,Windscreen in the window ,brushed window dressing ,With trembling buttock ,A mëshqerrëz ..Heifers models ,Come from ridges ,The city is trenohet ,The maddening all guys !

NO NO HOW YOUR LIPTwo leaf flower with dew ,Two cherries on mjes grains ,Red lips ,Bio was like a strawberry ,intoxication with dew ..Woah , youth with vices ,Where m ` was third ,But where hupe ,Now look a Rose ,And pshërtij ,And dihas `s red lips ..Now it `s edge on njomëzore ,One tablespoon honey is nothing left ,Lounge , an ice cream ,No Track , like your lip ,eyes closed , visualize visualize,and the dream ride !

Poems by Fehmi Ajvazi
Fehmi Ajvazi
SUN CITYHow little time has gone ThomasFrom your dream of dielltëOration is the old schemeThe gods hide somewhereHence our paganismThence forget your sadnessHowever Odysseus came n'ItakëPlanted a rainy era blackShe left after the demolition of betrayalMortgage for a new civilizationThe world faces ever s'ndryshoiAlready changed the ways of deathThomas dreams s'përfunduanAssassins already changed the faceThe pangopurit unwelcome reducedAt the heart of the earth dugSun to reach with handsGetting ripping off our lightBlindness of the world to increaseThomas ThomasHow little time has passedUnder the feet of centuriesUnder the cries of the needyTo a new world n'bulimUntil the time dilltëThat ever was heard ...Eingestellt von Haji Muhaxheri Keine um 15:36 Kommentar :Diesen Post per E- Mail versendenBlogThis ! FreigebenIn Facebook Twitter In freigebenFreitag , 15 . März 2013Poems by Adem GashiPOETIC blasphemyAIR( De Rada )A sea burial between amorphous over a skyKangjelat the goods here and thereAnd neutral deathSo what 's new white yearsIn white beard head LevarA portrait something to eatChildren draw on literary readingsVuajsh could have wound hungerAnd eternity in the air :The casting with an open sea basin varrtëThence onwards a kangjeleSpirit DEVARE not -It is the ancient paradiseWithin captivity air lyric
FIRE( Fisher )Fire bubullak brafullojnë wordsThe bones are burned flesh and bloodAs wood burning lifeFire lit fuse soulIn a gentle slope malcieWhere bursts of wild goat skinPërbirohemi wordsWith lahutarin in BlackAs we were picked shades who does not narrate theWhat are people however people areAnd do not go out of the realm of fire veladontëWe burn the wholeIn addition to our spirit of Oso KukaSpirit he saves usOur Father Lahutar or earth or in heavenDeep in wild goat parchment
WATER( Lasgush )'re No saint nor devil away what does notWater shine Lake siteNothing you never got released even after deathKot say and write that you were deadSalt veins of our walks your thirstYour ruler of blankets and dog bracesSurreal picture with curly linesBeckett handYour head volcano bunkertëBreaks in each of usWhen we think of being a poet madnessfarYou are not a saint devilAnd no matter whether you live pretty much deadPeople want to live or dieIn captivity of your arraysAs water shineDo you like algae in the lake bottom" Manuscript burned " Rozafa , Pristina 2001

YES FRONT M'RRI Ali PodrimjaM'krisi mind the darkness issuebetween the Jane Trinesinvolved with a background paper with qi can put forth booksWith the old man said boneit's nottold me did not you tell young Sunni zenI was told not to cart for seven bloodsperendue beauty boneYes he has sung there bafsha gjamenthat has overcome swimming Akeroninwith dhimbten RiverYes m'rri opposite Ali PodrimjaDo you sitshtegit killed t'harrimit

EVENTS( For Mirko Gashi )This has happened in a remote weatherOne night we thought it was dayThe bit slaughtered by the hourWhile drinking stringsHe appeared again in the mist of vaporTimes as quick to publicly times as demonAnd give the auspice of great hatasëWe slaughtered againAgain he stood as beforeAnd legislate : No gods killedHe Albanian PoseidonAt some point in a drop of dewDisclosing the ocean of wisdomAnd the murder of SocratesIt was heEach of us reel of lonelinessAnd mercy on us as oracle :Faljau god of madness diseaseHere he saw the house keyTailed paradise is openAnd as before we have committed suicideHere I shall be here HeBy reading the pain of loneliness and guiltIn water wisdom_______________This poem was awarded the first prize in " Requiem for Mirko Gashi " , held in [ his tavern " Veranda " in Pristina , on 12 January 2000. It was published in the volume " manuscript burned " Rozafa , Pristina 2001

BETWEEN GLASSoutside is a stormwithin the storm makesI 'm inside or outsideglass betweenbursts weathered awayJockey surreal ç'shfaqje fytyrëvrerosurbetween stripes of clouds rabiesFree as a decline in physicalfig leaf fallsso the hurrythrives get aroundHidalgos 's got soul(11 August 2010)

HERE IT BECAME A WARHere was warmodern warfare with primitive toolswhere few people killedI totally human killedthan blood flowed toysThe notebooks books arraysblood memories in photo albumHere 's my son became a warwhere you and I VRAMwithout our presence without rankhero martyrnow look beyond the grave surfaceOur fossil shape of letters of woolThe shqyhemi the laughtermade a terrible war here nowMy sona truly epic warwhere heroes Deshmoret killersrequired to live together as we mythshumanitarian aid to the Westthe Eastmodern art with Cubist paintingsand we feel that if heavenparabota itself is chaoticwhere Eve instead of Adam's appleto give HIV virus( Immediately after the war , in July 1999 )

It is a village of the ordinaryWith Take beseSubstandard has clay seasonsPeople dream equallyWe gjysmegjumin the nightWhen caught the turkeys sing firstThe prose is grain cornSerials and blues evenings in TVAnd the dry drumollayou toldAn ordinary village is quite PrekaziSuch was and such will beI told you ...O Take I said nothing unwanted content beseThe unusual there appear immediatelyReally extraordinary happensWhen air circles upheaval

Loving infirmity
2 . Before you comebefore you camewent clockwiseWaiting outside powerpassers- day sunbecame unrealYour image and the reception wasa funeral procession paradedbetween us went coldthen deathbefore you cameYour image came againthen Failure5 . Wind vërshëllente on asphaltvërshëllente wind on asphaltVIU was iuuu - she fled ikuuuwhere at - was distraught ask 'raise the voice ( hey ) heeeej - baritone of altvërshëllente wind on asphaltAncient disgusting language you dumbbring more bad news mixed with YelpThe only only onlyvërshëllente wind on asphaltVIU was the tenor of alt heeej"Working self-portrait " Rebirth , Pristina 1985THE MOON IS minefieldAgu kërthi Lazdranpërbirohet nbëpër fresh lëmashkun of darkness ,The signal is then given birth :sirens , barking dogs , titter of turkeysand , of courseTable alarm clock .I then rises wife ,official schedule has just awakening childrenwe are unemployed .After breakfast leave for school children ,leave us a good day , but Ihow to sink the day without directorWhen Monday is a minefield :its hourlycan crack a bomb of memories ,through every minute can light the tinderbox of dynamiteof a call -interrogated invitationthe police ,news of death ,Round table in a newspaper editorial .So I said ,Monday is a minefieldAt the turn of paradrekëslypsi ambush lay on a small newspaper vendor .Who can tell ,in the afternoon sleepa dream of mine can stay hiddenvided in the solitude of the turtle .Somewhere in the clockwise tangent timeas face to face in a matcha tear , a kiss or a smile .In an instantI can dischargewithin the orbit of the mined areaand leaves behind ,outpaceunwritten string tracks .__________________________
The Henrich NËSHTEPINE Regulation
Sometimes moon glittersAnd sometimes the moon shinesFaces that I love and norHorizontal screen brings me to memoryMasks cynical politicians play rolesScene of lifeSometimes even the moon shinesThe excessive and necessaryIn its permanenceThe poets terrible PertalleseSince we lie deserted islandorIn the hell that create themselves
GIRLS AND FLOWERS IN WINDOWSGirl and flowers in windowOr flowers and girlLack of woman womanIn my presenceThe seesaw rocked neglectfullyA flower girl at a windowFigure Duddy and consumed( German nor ugly nor beautiful )Sufficient motive for a lonely man
FLOWERS lonelyGermanyNeither beautiful nor uglyonce the weekend comesWe aesthetic vetmineFlowers suicide or madas NarcissistComes to how to make a scandalFlowers solitaryare only for grave________________" Flowers of the desert " , Pristina Renaissance 2001
Suppose you are ... [ 1 ]Suppose you are reading verses last nightnamely poetryon a veil had fallen lovedumpsHowl blubber in an addressno nameIt's not as colorful Khayyam :Qabej not stone ,search pilgrim heart ( poet ) , heartI read , I suppose , nothingthat was a little spiteful , vainSuch as , afterso this worldonce within the Human SoulThe sleeping demon awokeprofane , extremely naughty as the poet himselfWalt and cried as if afraid :I Uitmeni great , O America !Suppose you are ...Alba also can leave ,in solfexhon : doremifasollasieven if the lyrical raining !

Sod me Gjeçovi THAN Ç'MUJthe earth shakes ... I cann'dridhma airI also fell qiellnatThe s'kem to put forth again t'humbunzotynetrace your User : fjal'e shpirt'e heartFire shavings to my mind njasajqi sun light has takenwhere x yarn rraj'e gjytetniswhere fjal'e ban sake of burrnisn'vend n'kuvend n'Kanuqiellnat also can perceive the raI Bamut mountain areas of the mountain areawith fur without longsYour Emni ... but zotynefills us fills us fills us___________Janja , June 16, 2012

THE OCCURRENCE OF A demon form( Sermon )It is within each of us, HeDemon's sleepy , beautifulThe only self-sufficientAmong pyllnajës of human loneliness .It occurs when the confused welter ,When the white strands of thoughtNyjohen with black strands of greed .It is shade , shadeWith all the splendor of colorsThe gjithëkohshëm , non-existentDinners , lunchesWhen buds of human genius extinguished .Once, tired from the night bredhëritjetWhen the first turkeys sing -Fundbotës converts ,He could turn out people babëzitëLabyrinths of the brain ,The man stuck insideThe only self-sufficient .Other devils finelyWaking up in the morning togetherThe rounds start badgeringJust as the people of my homeMy neighborhood ,My city ,To my country I have not .

ROB I XANUNOption I.Now you mshel m'ke seven locksYou hide my seven keysThe NAND nandëdhetë hast brought me liesThe bar -bound m'dhanë qetsior night without eatingday or widowednji askunvendi where flies iron conmkatin ask the other s'gjajt'moçmin fault but njatëI still burn dashnijet n'dekëgreat goddashnijet xanun slave qindrojM'ba hall not to kill anyone
Option II .seven have locked my doorYou wasted my keysgarden of the old dreamninety nine diseases hast brought mewhat other gift or punishmentMonday night gave me even with raiseseven after sun burnI am not sleeping inthe delirium of guilt without faultthey say lovegreat godzemërvrari not kill anyone
Option III .You have seven closed door latchesninety disease cast me in staturem'ia not open heart aortaneither wave nor Drin old seaI do not sleep awakens watchingsneither day nor night of my foreignëndërrkotja somewhat wastedlet me love orphansTantalli as thirst burnI Sizif with a new stonebake bake your fires'vret man is shpirtvrari

MY SPACE OF FREEDOMSo freeHow to move to the realm of deathunimpededTo kiss them on the black eyes and black darknesslovedEverything took lightOh , how are enslaving more free spaceGraves of those missingThe eyes are but dielltëHaving committed suicide daysAs monks skepticalEntering the new calendarÇ't'i do this open spaceBoshi light and sterile

FREEDOM OF MY TIMEI press the unbridled mareOver writings censoredAs the meadow nostalgiaEverything that is nameless andIn addition to the pain of missing ribNow days without names are datesFreedom under the tyrannyMy time catching colorlessIf the time sequence mareAnd I 'm quite freeTo saddle futility

Poems that I read as due to the Urim29 .' The dawn suell kingjet m'a t'ngrimunHis two pieces n'syt'e qjélleç'm'u stopped just opened the gatesDish launches k'saj where the sunGJA s'piptin or mountain zog'ino snow fell soil págjánji n'kujtim horse but trok'it'rrahme bring my hand t'zemrësnd'rroi time that had to m'thanunLady went n'kremte K'shnéllashZanu honor as snares zog'iSunni thelltí tears drippedsite ' said the stain leftabout sparks from the leaves but vrragëner'e dimnit m'a throws fjollënThe m'a adds the wound dhimtens'thot heart told me what m'erdhk'saj mouth is a curse -boundftyrës dropped my yellow qehrjaas put forth forgotten ' orphannji hall deliberations night m'pruniEntering trip over m'a l' dimmed by qjéllaKang nji oil- stone of drunisaid Lady t afford to bypass K'shnélla

Apples of paintings BETWEEN decayed leavesOne site of Christ's blood redNext tailed among the decaying leavesGod is perfect aestheticsI find beautyIn my pain and hurtHow bad did I do not murderOh pluck them from branchTogether with my old daysAnd then the kryqëzoheshaAs innocent martyrAt night qengelin buzëplasur

HOUSE IN VILLAGEGreat grudge between black plumOn grudge againstI 'm the prodigal son ,Your corridors with light hënësineDo not make my insomnia FriendsEven open the door, did not you tellHajnisht nights will come with rimeAnd with rats will crumble boredomAs gum europeFinallySleepless NightSmall fights will lead fortuneHere's a picture of the House of Heinrich RegulationFrom the House of the Dead Fjodorit( A souvenir )He unshaven Old Man IWith your merchandise abandoned