TREGIME EROTIKE /ALB CHAT DATING/  sponsored by easy crediteasy credit:Insurance for cars assistant Personal and home damage or flat Health tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protectionhealth insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms  Favorable Favorable credit_You get a quality service and professional advice in different languages​​. We will be with you throughout the procedure and will facilitate your obtaining creditCredit will adapt to your personal situation and to guarantee full discretion. For you will find the appropriate offer. Your request will trajohet immediately and will respond to you within a day. You propose interest rate of 9:50%. Will have an advantage, loan interest will be deducted in the tax year. Conditions for granting the loan    Age 18-65 years  /Regular work contract or rent the AVS-AI and Pension Cash/Regular income evidenced by three letters of the last salary (min. 2700. - Net)/A valid identification document (passport or driving SwissResidence B, C, L)                                              The loan amount at least 5000. -    sponsor :easy

Po do te tergoj historine time me Leonardon pa le te plasin te gjithe..Me Shpatin ,,ka perfunduar kjo pune..tani secili ecen rruges se vet..
Por nuk ishte per shkak te Leo`s kjo pune qe mori fund por I personally don`t belive in Long distance realationship!
Kjo nuk mund te funksionoj se spse ke takime me njerz gjithkah e Amerika e ban te veten..po te jesh e martuar do te besh gabime me dike ejo une e fejuar..who cares!
Nejse te kthehemi te storija me Leo..po natyrisht  do nisi nga e para ..

Leonardon e kam njohur në New York, përpara disa viteve. Kemi disa miq të përbashkët. Ai erdhi në Miami këto ditë, bashkë me shokët e tij, Mel Gibson dhe Bradley Cooper. Jemi shokë të mirë dhe kemi folur shumë për shqiptarët. Ai mendon se ne jemi shumë të ashpër dhe të fortë.

 Kemi qenë në një barbeque-party me më shumë se 60 vetë. Leonardo ka të dashur një modele të ‘Victoria Secret’, bionde dhe shumë sexy, quhet Erin Hawthorn por un e nuhata rastin se ai kete dite me shiqonte gjate gjithe ndejes  vetem mua.. i propozova te pime nje martini se tha sure..dhe pastaj papritmas nuk edi si ndodhi por u gjetem vetem ne ne dhome me balkon..

TREGIME EROTIKE /ALB CHAT DATING/  sponsored by easy crediteasy credit:Insurance for cars assistant Personal and home damage or flat Health tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protectionhealth insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms  Favorable Favorable credit_You get a quality service and professional advice in different languages​​. We will be with you throughout the procedure and will facilitate your obtaining creditCredit will adapt to your personal situation and to guarantee full discretion. For you will find the appropriate offer. Your request will trajohet immediately and will respond to you within a day. You propose interest rate of 9:50%. Will have an advantage, loan interest will be deducted in the tax year. Conditions for granting the loan    Age 18-65 years  /Regular work contract or rent the AVS-AI and Pension Cash/Regular income evidenced by three letters of the last salary (min. 2700. - Net)/A valid identification document (passport or driving SwissResidence B, C, L)                                              The loan amount at least 5000. -    sponsor :easy
ai aty e hoqi t.shirtin dhe ishte gjysem nxejti p.. sa edhe une e hoqa t-shirtin..e pastaj ai erdhi me puthi ngadale ne qafe..e ohh qme nxejti..pastaj me puthi ne goje ne aq gjentil sa me nxejti total  etju hodha si luaneshe  ta putha gjithkah  e k. i tij kishte dale tani jashte pantollova te tij..dhe te mora tja lepiva sikur akullore ngadale deri sa ju forcua shume epastaj me fuqi te fusja ne goje ..e ai vetem klithke oh  honey you doing great job..oh me kalli te vazhdoja ende  e pastaj  ai gati deshi te derdhej no i thashe ..e tja solla p... tim prane gojes etma lepijti aq fmire...Shpati nuk ka haber pe ate pune... e  u dallojke se ky ishte profi..e tma beri p..uje  u dedha ne nje orgazem te njepasnjeshem..

 E pastaj ai me tha tash vjen  :"ice on cake"... e te me kapi te me pshteti ne mur e tme qiju aq fort  sa here ne mur e pastaj gjithkah ,,pastaj ne koridor kur nga lezeti  papritmas kishym hy ne nje dhome tjeter e
oh.. tme qiju ne te gjitha pozicionet   Leo me kapte dhe me q. shpejt oh edhe kjo qe teper lezet..dhe gati 2 kishte pervoje ky Leo!
e pastaj dolem ne balkon..po ishte ajo dhoma ku paparacit e mallkuar na paten zene  por who cares ndoshta
do te me sjell dobi kjo gje..sigurisht do ta shfytezoj kete gje e dashura e Leonardos di Caprios  ..po kjo tingellonj shume mire se e fejuara e Shpatit..
Shpat? who are you?   
po shume me mire dhe sigurisht se tani paparazit do jen gjithkah rreth meje dhe ja new superstar is born who knows...dhe ja enderrat emija po behen realitet  dhe kush edi ndoshta kjo do teme qoje drejt majave te Top modeleve si  Gisele Bündchen ,Bar Rafaeli etj qe po ashtu ia kane pare hajrin Leonardos!!I can smell fame and $$$$$$..
Me siguri ..Me siguri shume$$$$$$$$

Sorry per Shpatin por I`m enjoying my mun te q.. me Tunen apo kend tjeter..ka plot bitch-a  te ne-.

Ju pershendes Aferdita Dreshaj


 Albanian Cities

 Pristina  Since 1981, there has been no census in Kosovo. After the war, Pristina is overpopulated. Many figures, but based on the analysis and the number of voters, the number of people residing within the city, could be approximately 400 thousand, and 470 villages , is envisaged that the move to 500 thousand citizens . During all periods of history, the Balkans and Central East he was and continued to be the most dynamic areas of ethnic and social movements of the historical and political events. For this reason, the change occurred in ethnic and religious structure.
Because of this, mostly ethnic indigenous population suffered Illyrian, Thracian and Macedonian well. In the whirlwind of these events, there is also the space where today lies Pristina. Traces of residence in the capital of Kosovo, we find that the pre-ever support archeological locations found in the Early Neolithic, as Matican, Gracanica, etc. Ulpianë., Then in the Bronze Age, to the Ethno-culture Dardanian since centuries. VIII and VI before Crist.According to historical data written to c. XIV, for Pristina have little data and fragmentary. Thus, the structure of Pristina can not rely only on data from short narrative archive of Ragusa (today Dubrovnik), for the period paraosmane unused and Turkish documents consulted.

TREGIME EROTIKE /ALB CHAT DATING/  sponsored by easy crediteasy credit:Insurance for cars assistant Personal and home damage or flat Health tourists coming to Switzerlandlegal protectionhealth insuranceLife insurance and pension cash for firms  Favorable Favorable credit_You get a quality service and professional advice in different languages​​. We will be with you throughout the procedure and will facilitate your obtaining creditCredit will adapt to your personal situation and to guarantee full discretion. For you will find the appropriate offer. Your request will trajohet immediately and will respond to you within a day. You propose interest rate of 9:50%. Will have an advantage, loan interest will be deducted in the tax year. Conditions for granting the loan    Age 18-65 years  /Regular work contract or rent the AVS-AI and Pension Cash/Regular income evidenced by three letters of the last salary (min. 2700. - Net)/A valid identification document (passport or driving SwissResidence B, C, L)                                              The loan amount at least 5000. -    sponsor :easy