sponsor:online credit / auto insurance :onlinecredit.ch
We offer the following:- Online Credit / Auto Insurance of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch
foto:TamaraIsha i ndare nga dashnorja shqipetare pas 3 vjete per nja 4 muaj.
shkaku?xhelozia e marre !
Ne Zürich te Zvicerres dilsha nga pak ne Disco por pershkak se isha pak i hutuar nga ndamja nuk isha i gatshem tja nissha ndonje lidhje me ndonje vajze.
Pasi jam shum atraktiv dhe me stlil qe rralle shihet nuk e kisha problem ti fitoja shiqimet endonje vajze.
Problemi ishte doja ndonje vajze me klase jo dosi dosi.
Nje here ne stacionin e autubusave rastesisht e takova nje bjondine.
Nuk kam pare asi bukuroshje me sy edhe ajo me shiqonte pa ndare syte nga mua edhe une si i hipnotizuar e shiqoja.
Autobusi u ndez te ecte te ikte e une spata rrugedalje hypa ne te ,kurse ne autobusin tjeter ishte biondinja me bukuri ta rralle.
zvicerrekat nuk jane fort te bukura por kjo qe diqka tjetrsoj!
sponsor:online credit / auto insurance :onlinecredit.chWe offer the following:- Online Credit / Auto Insurance of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch
pas nje 2 jave epata takuar prape ne stacion te autobuave kur erdha nga puna dhe perseri smi ndau syte nga une.
si tja baej ta ndal nuk jam asi qe i ndale vajzat ne rruge e lashe per ndonje shance tjeter.
pas nje kohe ja nisa te dal ne disco .
Ne zürich eshte nje disco CLUB Indochine ku behej nje atmosfere e mire.
ketu mbledhet kajmaku i njerezeve dmth krejt me klase te larte.
Pijet jane shume te shrenjta se ku do i thojne jo per qudi billionaire club!
(tregime erotike)
Mua nuk me pelqejne ato disco me muzike elektro dhe me panka,por me njerez te rendomte ku degjohet muzika pop ose dance music me nivel.
kesaj vere ishte hiti Hangover nga Tyo Cruz nje hit i madh Atmosfera ndezej sahere qe Dj e leshonte kete hit te madh.
Pas nje muji qe e pata pa per here te fundit Tamaren ,ja me ne fund pe shoh ishte me shoqen e e e vet dhe po drejtohej nga kjo disco Indochine.
sponsor:online credit / auto insurance :onlinecredit.ch
We offer the following:- Online Credit / Auto Insurance of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch
e hutova shancen dhe edhe une u futa aty.
hyra ne lift e pastaj shkuam te gjithe ne disco .E percjellja ku qendronte dhe iu afrova ngadale edhe ajo me shiqonte edhe une.
mora fryme thelle dhe iu afrova u prenzetova gjermanqe me te.
I thashe jam Mihel e ajo me tha Tamara.
/tregime erotike/
I thashe jam 23 edh epse isha 27vjeq..ajo me tha 18 .shoqja esaj dyshoi se isha 23 mu dukesh mi i vjeter 26 apo ,me shume.nuk te pelqej i thashe jo edhe aq me tha!!!
euuuu.. me lendoi por u mbajta qfare doni te pini ? ato muaren vere te bardhe.
ti thoja shqipetar u frigova se ato te huajt neve shqipeve na nenqmojne nuk eshte lehte ti zoterosh keto femnat klasi si i huaj aq me pak shqipetar sepse frigohen nga ne,se ketu kena reputacion shume te keq!,i thashe jam grek sepse e disha se nuk dine greqisht se ketu grek nuk ka shume,,ti thoja italian nuk e di gjuhen kurse ketu ne zvicerr ka shume qe dine italisht.u prezentova si grek e ato pak u leshuan.mirepo ajo u merzite shume me mua sepse se di isha i emociuanuar pas 3 vjete isha perseri ne pazar si single nuk ekisha te qarte si duhej te sillsha me femera.
ajo thjesht iku dhe flirtonte me tuli djali.
(tregim/e erotike)
e pata te qarte ajo ishte shume njohur ne ate disco dhe bente qfardo qe donte me mashkuj.u inatosa i thashe ma jep numrin tha jo sekam dashnor temin e ai do te gjindoset po te me theras ndonje tjeter,ky eshte triku numer 1 i femnave ne zvicerr kur nuk dojne te kene lidhje me ndoke i thojne kam frajer!!
mire i thashe e ika i inatosur nga ai lokal.
shkova ne shtepi dhe tane naten mezi zuna gjume ne sy.
isha disi i dashuaruar ne ate kurve..ishte mete vertet shume bukuroshe.
qfar te bej si shqipetar nuk kisha shance kesi kane keto kurvat e ketuhit duan italian apo spanjoll e jo neve shqipet.
bena plan i bera garderoben extra e me vathe ne vesh esyze extra e thashe o do te qi o si tham veti shqipe.
pas nje 2 jave e takova ne stacion te autobusave ,,e iu afrova por ajo kuu sdonte te me shinte me sy ..me tha ikkk shporruu ti po me pengon!!
qfare te beja kjo me qmendi.
pas nje 3 jave gati te qmendura isha duke shetitur te bleja garderobe ky ishte hobi im ato dite.isha veshur bukur me si gjithnje me syza dielle ,nuk me lente vashe pa me shiquar.
E verejta nga larg ajo kishte hyre ne nje dyqan e prita deri sa dual (ajo nuk me kishte verejtur se isha duke pritur).
Ketu eshte nje trik i emi prej gjentellmeni ,i thashe te kerkoj falje edhe pse ajo duhej mua por u paraqita si je gjentellmen e i thashe kam qen i pire ate nate me fal ,,shiqo jam produzent muzikor e bej video muziokore nese don te vish une te ndihmoj ne karriere.
ajo veq sa su qmend nga gezimi sepse e dinte se me nje bukuri te tille ishte per show busines e une e nuhata dhimten e saj.
por e lame kesisoj pa ndonej takim por si miq.
tjeteren te shtune shkova na Indochine perseri e ajo erdhi direkt te une i dhashe nje karte temin falso qe tregonte se isha produzent edhe pse lidhje me muzike nuk kisha por me duhej ti hakmersha asaj kurve qe luante me mua.
e pashe ajo po interesohje per mua ai ishte interesi apo karriera nuk edi por diqka po levizke tani.
Pas asaj dite e pashe ne stacion te autobusave perseri nje dite tjeter, isha veshur e pispillosur si gjithnje deri ne maksimum me rroba te bardha qe me tregonin edhe me pamje shume seksi. e ajo ishte mrapa dhe me veshtronte si e qmendur!.
i shkova ,biseduam i propozave ta shkojme diku tha jo sot nuk muj e lame tjeter here.
kesi here i tashe veti : to be or not to be .
e rezervova ne Zug nja 25 km nga Zürichu nje hotel pasi ne telefon ajo pranoi te dilte me mua
e mora makinen bmx x6 te bardhe te nje shoku shkova ta marr ne vendin ku e patem len dakord.
qfare te beje ajo nuk erdhi prita prita prita kot..ska kurgje
ej thashe qa eshte tuj ndodh ..kur pe hapi iphonin baterie skisha qa te bej .shkova shpejt ne shtepi e futa ne rryme kur pe shoh ajo kish shkruar me prit jo aty po ne vend tjeter .
uuuuuuuu thashe me veti po te nxa do ta qi keqqqq kete kurve qe po luan me mua.
shkova e mora aty ku ajo veq kish 40 minuta tuj prit e qova ne nje restoran e pastaj ne hotel gjoja se po i tregoj diqka ne lidhje me punen time prej producenti .
u ulem ne krevat u thashe do e hapi ipadin e ti tregoj per mua po qfare ajo te ma ngjiti per kari
e tmi hapi xhinsat e tma marrke ne goje si e qmendur!!
u iu derdha meniher se kishte fytyr tejet seksi.
ajo vetem e fshiu gojen e u zdesh e me tha se din ti jam e qmendur te qihem me ty qysh se ta kam pa ne stacion te autobusave por isha ne lidhje me nje italian.
e ti po ma perkujton ate!
mu nuk ma vari veshin se si kujt i perngjasha por tju gjuva tja lepiva pidhin qe e kishte rruar krejt e duke ja lepire pidhin ja rrefsha bythet me shuplaka e ajo u qmendke duke bertitur deri sa dikush nga hoteli trokiti duke then me ngadale ju po i shqtesoni mysafiret tjere!.
mua nuk me hanger per te tjeret .e kisha rezervuar per 4 ore por vazhdova ta rrahu bytheve e tja lepija pidhin shqiptarqe sa ajo u derdh disa here.kisha nje teknike me gisht qe e kisha pare ne filma seksi se nese vepron ne pidh me gisht tregues ne pozicion sikurse ti thuash dikujt eja do e stimulosh piken G e ajo do qmendet ...dhe keshtu ndodhi ajo pesonte orgazem pas orgazeme e une se kisha qire ende.
/tregime erotike/
i dhashe kohe te kendellet kishin mbetur ende nja 1.30 minuta e nuk doja ta paguja hotelin me shume.
por mblodha fuqit kisha marre nje gjysem hap cialis qe ta kallsha krejt ate kurve . e morra hapin ne tolaet dhe pas 20 minutave
i hypa sipri e ta pompoja mizorisht . e qisha njekohsisht e rrafsha me rryp bytheve e ajo desh u qmendke medova do vdes a qka ...nje moment u ndal e piskati shume e qka me pa u derdh pej pidhit gati ne fytyren time e trupi i saj u dridhke sikur ta nxinte rryma nja 3 -5 minuta e mendova vdiq ja qiva nanen qka te bej ..por ajo duke buzeqeshur me dha kurajo duke thene e kjo qe nje e qire qe kur se kam parameduar....e ra si pafryme ne shtrat te hotelit.
< g edhe une mbarova por si me frike se qesh i hutuar .
shkova ta rezervoj edhe per nja 2 ore hotelin se nuk isha ngopur me te qire por ma refuzuan se kishim qene shume te zhurmshem...
mire u veshum dualem dhe qeme 3 muaj bashke deri sa dashnorja shqipetare mu kthye perseri e per shak se du te krijoj familje mu desh fatkeqsisht me Tamaren ta perfundoj lidhjen.
ende kur qihna me dashnoren shqipetare e paramednoj ate te qime fantastike me Tamaren...
Kjo ka ndodhur ne Hotelin Seehof ne veren e 2012 ne Zug te Zvicerres!!:
ju pershendes Petriti nga Zürichu
sponsor:online credit / auto insurance :onlinecredit.ch
sponsor:online credit / auto insurance :onlinecredit.ch
We offer the following:- Online Credit / Auto Insurance of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch
Albanian Cities
Shkodra has historically been one of the major Albanian cities. Greater development took in the nineteenth century. In 1870 it had about 50 000 inhabitants. Shkodra has historically been one of the major Albanian cities. Greater development took in the nineteenth century. In 1870 it had about 50 000 inhabitants. It became an important commercial hub for the Balkans, with 3,500 stores in the area now known as 'bazaar'.Since 1718, Shkodra had consular agencies in many foreign countries. As seen Oboti port, but especially Ulcinj and Shëngjin later. Over the years the League of Prizren (1878), Shkodra became an important center of the national movement. At this time, a branch of Shkodra had her guard, which was helped by the action and the protection of Plava, Guci, Hoti and Gruda, and the war in Ulcinj.Shkodra is also a very important cultural center. Bushatllinj mention library and phototeque Marubi, which is known as the oldest in the Balkans and irreplaceable value. During the Balkan War and the First World War, Shkodra became prey to predatory aims of Montenegro and Serbia. Population Shkodra defended the city for seven months against armies surrounding, but on 23.04.1913, Serbo-Montenegrin army entered the city through the betrayal of Esat Pasha Toptani.Serbo-Montenegrins were forced out after a few months and later spent Shkodra under international protection. The city of Tirana government passed in 1920.Shkodra can be mentioned as the center of Albanian Catholicism. Albania was the last city that fell under Ottoman rule in 1479, and the city that mostly opposed the advent of communism in 1944. Shkodra citizens were the first symbols of the dictatorship collapsed in 1989. It began the first spark nationwide protests against communism in late 1990.
We offer the following:- Online Credit / Auto Insurance of CHF 2,000 to CHF 250,000- Unemployment insurance rates choice- Constant Top-interest and consistent loan rates- Free editing and repayment at any timeThe loan calculator will help you in your decision regarding loan amount and term. It is important that you adjust the monthly payment your budget, so it does not become a burden in the long term. Use our online application to apply for a free and secure loan application and get a quick approval. We are happy to advise you without obligation. sponsor:easycreditag.ch