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Tirana _To accompany you through Albania or to suggest an itinerary, it is natural to start this from the capital, Tirana. It is a difficult enterprise to involve the entire space of the Albanian capital with a single trip, but with a selection of the most beautiful countries, will leave the impression of këndshme.Le really start to travel through Albania Well, exploring before its capital Tirana.Meet TiranaTirana - Albania's capital today - was founded in 1614 by Sulejman Bargjini, a rich feudal times, the village Mullet. He first built a mosque and a bath, which then became the nucleus of the future city. It is thought that Tirana has been an inhabited, since at the time of the Illyrians, about the fourth century BC. The ruins of the city are still found today at the foot of Mount Dajti, which is thought to have been a castle. A source of Tirana name is exactly the name of the castle, Tirkan, which is mentioned for the first time in the history of the Byzantine historian Prokopius.In 1920, the Congress of Lushnja, Tirana was decided the temporary capital of Albania. Its final status received in 1925. Today, Tirana is a city that grows and changes daily and is the largest commercial and administrative in Albania. It is a city filled with hotels, restaurants, bars, pubs, center and entertainment complex, which allow you an active and diverse jet for all strata of the population and all the foreigners who visit Tirana because of the ndëryshmet . Tirana is also a center of national and international activities of either significant, seminars, symposia, conferences, festivals, shows, etc., that make a city already known and open to the world.If we had to do a complete list of attractions of the Albanian capital worth visiting, this list would be too long. From this list we detach you that you should never leave without seeing or visiting:The monument of national hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, in the center of Tirana, a number of historic buildings, Ethem Bey Mosque, Clock Tower, 35 m high, built in 1830. From the top of the tower, which is open to visitors, can be enjoyed a fantastic view of Skanderbeg Square.Tabakve Bridge, (XVIII), a fragment of the castle of Justinian, Near Cinema Millennium 2. Mother Albania monument in Martyrs Cemetery, located in the southeastern part of kryeqytetit.Teatrin of Opera and Ballet, the National Theatre, Gallery of Fine Art, International Center of Culture, the Palace of Congresses, History Museum, Archaeological Museum, Museum of Science Nature, etc..The park lies in the southern part of the Great Lake, with a surface of 230 ha site and artificial lake in the middle of it with a surface of 55 ha site. In the Great Forest Park, 120 species grow pemsh and decorative plants and a large number of flowers. Not far from town, you can practice mountain tourism. 25 km from Tirana, rises Mount Dajtit which can be passed very beautiful holiday, filled with activities such as trekking, excursions, skiing, etc.. Now you can use the funicular transportation, which traverses the space of 15 minutes and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent view of nature from above. This reduces the time and creates many more opportunities for tourism favorite daily offering of mountain areas Dajtit. Dajtit National Park, a growing number of plants and animals is strictly prohibited and hunting out of season.Another possibility is the best outside Tirana with Hole Mountain, where people can go to relax, away from the noise of the metropolis. 15 km south of Tirana, located Petrelë Castle, with a two thousand vjeare age, built by Illyrian tribes Albans, with Glaukun Leader. The castle rises on top of a hill, offering an amazing panorama of the whole area. At the time of Skanderbeg, the castle is commanded by Mamica Princess, sister of George Castriota and was part of the Principality of Kruja.15 km northwest of Tirana, located fortress of Preza, this part of the Principality of Kruja. Situated near the Rinas Airport, the castle is a place frequented by many tourists for offering unique views.Another interesting place is Pëllumbas, or "Black Cave", discovered only recently, 18 km from Tirana, Skoranës area. With interior walls coated with stalactites and stalagmites, it is not only an attractive place for visitors but also for researchers and Speleologists.Music of all types for a fun nightIn Tirana will find dozens of local and nightclubs of different genders, where you can go to enjoy the music that you plqen. Jazz clubs, pubs, discos, cabarets, bistro, oriental environments, live music, without leaving aside the many concerts and activities that played in theaters, halls and cultural centers. In this long list would you suggest some of them, where the activity is undoubtedly permanent and guaranteed satisfaction. So for the best dance music of the moment, you can go to Folie Club, to enjoy cabaret and spectacle, suggest Magic 4 Karaoke, listen to live Pere known singers, do well to visit Venue Club for an evening of comfortably in the company of friends and best music 60-70-80 years, should go to Charles Bistro or Living Room and many other countries. Certainly not lacking in any entertainment of the night but countries is an alternate choice